For the return trip, we decided to cross Canada and
give away copies of Goodie Magazine. We have yet to get a Canadian
distributor for Panther Books, but the best way to do it is to get
the Canadians hip to Goodie. We had with us, of course, our pets,
a tent and Goodies. The cat started her trip sticking out of her
bag and in the back window.

Our last night in the US was spent on Whidbey Island, off the coast
of Washington State, in a lovely campground. Pilar and Kashi both
loved this wonderful spot, full of mysterious pathways through the
forest and a magical pebbly beach. The campground was full of small,
brown, wild bunnies. It was while talking to one of the bunnies
when we met this very nice couple, Dike and Peg Drummond and their
little doggie. They were the kind of people who make camping such
a pleasure, little meetings in the trees with someone you might
not otherwise meet. We gave them a Marty Goodie, and a little later,
before leaving, spotted Dike sitting on a rock looking at it.
In British Columbia we spent the first night in Canada
at sweet, wild little Otter Lake near the tiny town of Coalmont.
The young ranger there showed us new wildflowers just popping out
called Columbia Lillies. He was an adventurous sort, and we gave
him a Marty Goodie.

While still in BC on Highway 3, we were fortunate
enough to meet this family of wild mountain sheep at the pinnacle
of Kootenay Pass. The sheep surrounded the Goodie car and looked
in before going over the edge. Near Fernie, the home of these very
dramatic mountain peaks, we also got to see a majestic lady elk
swimming across a broad river. Upon entering the province of Alberta,
we met a young lady working at the info center, raised in Edmonton
and a college student studying English literature and political
science, and we laid on her the last Penny Arcade Goodie we had
before driving on.

The cat and dog were extremely good at traveling.
They made the best of their cramped place in the back seat with
the cooler, and to the great worry and anxiety of the dog (which
you can see clearly in the picture above), the cat used her litterbox
even at 90 mph. Sometimes they complained and things stank.

Romy looked like a lemon driving the car. In Medicine
Hat, Alberta, we stopped at a used bookshop called Woody’s,
where Foxy went in and used the bathroom. We gave the lady at the
counter a Marty Goodie, and she made us a gift of a print of this
drawing, which she made. Her name was Sheryl Middleton and her greatest
moment with the drawing was on a trip to New York years ago, where
she saw a show of Dali paintings and was able to give a copy of
this drawing to Salvador Dali. Now she works at the little bookshop,
and told us that she was actually accused of witchcraft in Medicine
Hat because of her own library of books, which include some metaphysical

In Saskatchewan we put our tent up at a Prairie Oasis
overseen by this kitty, named Spooks. Moose Jaw was a funny little
town in a rainstorm when we saw it on our zoom through. Foxy ran
into the Moose Jaw Times Herald to give them a Marty Goodie. They
didn’t seem too interested since Marty had nothing specific
to do with Moose Jaw, but they were very nice and told Foxy how
chilly she looked. Foxy broke her tooth on a Moose Jaw potato and
at the drug store, she gave the pharmacist a Marty Goodie.

On to Winnipeg, Manitoba. For awhile we’ve wondered
about Winnipeg. There is a Neil Young song called Winnipeg, and
he apparently comes from there. What would it be like? When we finally
arrived for a zoom through, we found a wonderfully atmospheric city
full of soul. We drove through and coming across a park full of
kids watching a band play, we stopped to pass out a number of Goodies
before leaving, sadly. We loved Winnipeg and hope that it will guard
its individuality forever.

The creepiest of all Canadian cities has to be the
city of Marathon, Ontario. It is ugly, filled with a turgid, miserable,
hopeless vibe, and gray. We had to stop there to change some money,
and then, while hurrying to put it behind us, Foxy was stopped by
this mounted policeman. He gave Foxy a speeding ticket, but wasn’t
as mean as the one who gave Romy one in Crescent City, California.
We wanted to give him a Marty Goodie, but he said they are not allowed
to take presents.

Stopping in a much nicer little town further into
Ontario called Webbwood, we were cheered up by these two locals,
to whom we naturally gave a Marty Goodie, which did seem to please
them. In Sault Ste. Marie, Bert had an oil change at the Lubes Only
shop. The boy who changed the oil was a young Marlon Brando type
eager to leave Sault Ste. Marie behind him and ride buses to other
places. We gave him a Marty Goodie.

Next we zoomed off to Toronto, where we paid a visit
to Mykola Laluque, an old friend of Foxy’s from Ukraine, and
his wife, Natasha, at their studio. We made Niagara that evening,
and down into New York State, through the town of Geneva after dark
and to a seedy motel in the town of Auburn. Two creeps tried to
lure us to their beer. Foxy turned 37 there, and the next day we
finally arrived back at the Goodie office, having let everyone we
could know about Marty Matz.

Back in Brooklyn out the Goodie office window, there
was the lady across the way hanging out her laundry, as if we’d
never left.
Love, Romy and Foxy